Sally Guest BSc SpSci. BSc Ost. – Principal Registered Osteopath
Sally, our principal osteopath, has a passion for spreading one very clear message – Osteopathy Works! With experience spanning decades and including specialist interests in sports injuries, postural awareness, core strength and repetitive strain conditions, Sally enjoys leading a team of equally passionate osteopaths and sports therapists to provide a truly inclusive and whole approach to helping you feel better. Sally holds qualifications in Osteopathy, Sports & Exercise Science, Massage, RockTape kinesiology taping, Pilates, Acupuncture and many other health and fitness related disciplines.
The many positive feedback comments left for Sally speak for themselves but there’s one that sums her up approach, problem solving and commitment to every patient who visits her for help:
With a personal interest in netball, boot camp, running, triathlon, swimming, Pilates, cycling, fitness, snowboarding and skating Sally understands how frustrating it can be when you’re injured and always works with you and your training plan to provide relief, rehab and help to keep you on track with your goals.
Sally graduated in 3 years from UCSM, Lancaster, in 1997 with a BSc degree in Sports and Exercise Science followed by a five year, second BSc degree in Osteopathy from Oxford Brookes University in 2009.